here he is... the amazing little bat boy who against popular belief actually loved wearing a mask!
this is the mask that i tried to make him. but it was such cheap material that by the time i wrapped it around his head it literally fell apart in my hands. (you can see the frayed edges in this picture)
but that was okay because he didn't like it much. he would only wear it when he was being fed. and even then he was a little sketchy about it.
that's why i'm the only one with a mask on in this picture at a halloween party for our kids. he screamed and tore it off so i gave up. but i'm all decked out as batwoman as you can see. too bad i was one of the only adults that even dressed up! so much for me wearing black spandex and a cape.
but scott liked my mask more anyway so i got a cute picture of he and james in their masks at our ward halloween party. you've heard of batman and robin. well this is batman and BATBOY!!!
and i had to add this cute picture of james. he made us such an amazing sunday roast dinner today. it was delicious!