p.s. april fools
i had asked some people to come over just after 6pm so that they'd be here when james got home from school. he usually gets home on wednesdays at 6:20pm but as he was leaving this morning he nonchalantly mentioned that he may try to catch a ride home early with someone so he can spend more time with me tonight.
he had no idea that this revelation had put me into panic mode. i stayed calm on the outside but after he left the house i was on the phone with my friends begging them to tell their husbands not to bring him home early!!!
it was such a relieving and sad moment this afternoon when sad little james texted me saying that he couldn't find anyone to bring him home. i almost spilled the beans right then, but i stayed strong. and i'm glad i did because he was so shocked! it was a lot of fun.
here is cute james with a few of our friends - as you can tell, scott was a bit... overwhelmed.
and since i did the top 10 reasons we love scott for his 10 month birthday, i decided i'm going to go all out and do the top 26 reasons i love james on his 26th birthday (though there are millions more reasons why i love him):
26- he almost always changes scott's diapers when he's home from school (even when i insist that i can do it)
25- he gets really sad when he doesn't get to get scott out of his crib in the mornings on the weekends.
24- i've never known him to set a goal and not make it.
23- he's really really good looking.
22- he is the most patient person i know (and i'm not just saying that to be nice)
21- he's a true leader. I'm constantly amazed with the way he can see a problem, find a solution and find someone to solve it so that he can be home spending time with scott and me.
20- he's a great athlete
19- he's not obsessed with being an athlete
18- he was so willing to try learning to ski (both water and snow) and he picked it up so easily and gets more excited about going now than i do!
17- he's really smart. i'm convinced that he knows more words than Webster.
16- he's a man that can cook! he makes the most delicious hot fudge!
15- he gets so excited about planning our future.
14- and yet he thoroughly enjoys the moment.
13- he loves spending time with scott and i can tell he misses him when he is gone.
12- he's really funny and its so cute when he laughs at his own jokes.
11- he never leaves for school without coming back up to where i'm sleeping in bed and kissing me on the forehead and saying goodbye.
10- i've never heard him raise his voice in a angry way... not once.
9- this is a little embarrassing to say but - he has a really nice body.
8- he always likes to hold my hand.
7- he has the most beautiful blue eyes and he passed them onto our blue eyed little scotty.
6- i really feel like he is happy and content to just hang out with me and talk.
5- anytime i start singing in the car he decides to turn on the radio. and he always does such an excellent job of convincing me that the two weren't connected.
4- he loves doing laundry. kind of weird.
3- he loves his family (the family besides scott and me) and tries to stay connected with them as much as he can.
2- he feels sincere sorrow for other people when he thinks they feel lonely or hurt in someway.
1- i asked him in jest once if i was his "everything" (i think we were listening to a song that talked about it). he said, "natalie, you're my only thing" and he's never made me feel any different.
i love you james,
happy birthday!
Very sweet! We love James too and were thinking about him all yesterday. Way to go for making his birthday special.
Good job Natalie! I can just imagine James' sadness when no one could give him a ride home-it made me sad, and I knew the reasoning behind it! At least you knew that for his birthday he wanted to just hangout with you. I love the list!
Aw, that is funny and sad when he thought he just couldn't find a ride home! Hahaha. You sneaky girl, Nat! But that is great to go through the effort, it will be a great memory. We wish we could have gotten to know James more while we were both in Utah! But of course he is wonderful because he chose you Nat!
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