but we went to columbus to visit james' brother bryan, his wife annie and their cute little girls. and we have lots of pictures of that!
this is a picture of us all eating at some really cool market place downtown. they have every type of food you can ask for. james got italian. i got indian. and the other palmers shared viatnamese! i don't even know if i spelled that right.
did i mention that we DROVE to ohio? twenty four hours of driving in six days was a bit much for this little kid. but i have to say, he did a really good job with it. this picture was taken in the hotel we stayed in on the very last night of driving. we tried giving him a cookie for being so good but as you can see, he was even too pooped to eat that. now that's tired!
back in iowa the weather was turning into SPRING! and scott discovered (all on his own) that dirt is really really cool to play in.
when scott isn't outside playing in the dirt (or with the neighbors basketball hoop that he is absolutely obsessed with) he loves watching movies in his little chair. we got him this chair because his cousin allie got one for christmas and scott loved it so much when we were visitng. this is just a classic picture of him watching so intently with his little hand propped up on his cheek. his favorite movies are cars, elmo and tarzan. (or in scotty language; gars, melmo and mo - don't as me.)
another fun thing that we've had going lately is our babysitting club. every friday scott goes and plays with a bunch of neighborhood girls (katelyn and kylie fowler, shalie and millie johson and devi northcott). he is really learning how to play with girls and discovering that they play a bit more softly than boys. once a month we have all the girls at our house. it's a full house!
I love the pics, thanks for updating!! He's such a handsome little guy, I'm glad he's protective of that chair-it's pretty darn cool! Miss you guys!!!
So much fun to have you guys visit. We literally cannot wait to have you live closer. I'm so glad to see that a Peter Cottontail bunny made it to your house as well.
So CUTE!! Love the jumping bunny!
Glad you enjoyed (part of) your trip. That's a ton of driving! I love the picture of Scott in his chair with his hand on his cheek!
Loved, loved, loved the cute pictures and the commentary. Scotty boy is growing up way too fast. Can't wait to see you next month and kiss those cute little chubby cheeks. Love you, Grandy
Super cute pictures Natalie!! I love Scott with all the girls! <3
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